Pathways to Participation

What Participation Model Works Best for Your Institution?

flowchart showing different ways to participate in the PPC, explained in the text below

Content Hubs: Content Hubs are large consortial digital repositories that bring together the digital collections of other institutions and then share through one Content Management System (CMS).  We currently have two large repositories in the state of Colorado:  Marmot Digital Archive and Mountain Scholar Digital Archive.  Many institutions share their collections with the PPC through a Content Hub relationship.  These smaller institutions are called Affiliate members of the PPC.  Tech staff from the Content Hub serve as the main liaisons with the PPC staff for all of the Affiliate members they represent.

Content Nodes:  Content Nodes are institutions that only supply their own digital content to the PPC. Their collection is digital, web accessible, and metadata validated.  The CMS used for a Content Node can vary, and the PPC staff will work with the technical staff at the Institution to ensure the data transfer and metadata mapping are accurate and will produce a successful ingest into the DPLA. Many institutions may begin their relationship with the PPC as Content Nodes, but become Content Hubs over time.  This is not only permitted, but encouraged.  The more we can facilitate the sharing of resources and expertise between organizations, the better for the PPC as a whole.

No CMS?  Dont Fret: Do you have a collection you want to digitize but no online content management system (CMS) to work with?  We can help.  Here are some options to help Colorado cultural heritage organizations get online, share collections with the Plains to Peaks Collective, and share nationally through the DPLA.

CVL Collections:  CVL Collections is a program that uses the Omeka open source content management system to create and host an online digital repository for library, museum, and archive collections for small and less resources cultural heritage organizations.  Colorado State Library staff will work with you to create an online database branded like your institutional website, and help you exhibit your digital collection.

What can be included:

  • Audio recordings
  • Video recordings
  • Written/printed documents
  • Transcripts
  • Photographs
  • Diaries
  • Personal narratives
  • Works of fiction
  • Art
  • Poetry

Through this online database, you digital objects will be included in the quarterly PPC harvests, and shared with the DPLA.   This database is created and maintained at no cost to you.  For more information about the CVL Collections program, and the Omeka CMS, contact Amy Hitchner.  

Stories of Colorado:  The Stories of Colorado is a collection of Colorado related content, from individuals or institutions that do not have an online presence, but have interesting and relevant pieces of Colorado history and culture to share.  The Stories of Colorado collection is curated by the Colorado State Library, but contains content contributed by individuals throughout the state.  Collections include oral essays, photographs and images, documents and videos, what ever captures the the experiences, feelings, and moment in time of the people in our great state.

The Stories of Colorado Collection also supports the growth of other services provided by the State Library to the Colorado cultural heritage community, including the Tell Your Story activity from the CSL Big Red Recourse Kits, as well as the CVL Collections service and the Plains to Peak Collective, making unique digital collections available to all within our state and beyond.

The Stories of Colorado site brings together collections from all mediums, including:

  • Audio recordings
  • Video recordings
  • Written/printed documents
  • Transcripts
  • Photographs
  • Diaries
  • Personal narratives
  • Works of fiction
  • Art
  • Poetry

For more information, see the Stories website, or contact Amy Hitchner.